I have been collecting PEZ Candy dispensers for many, many years. My enthusiasm has waned over the years, but I have always been pretty diligent about getting the new dispensers. When I moved to our new house, I made a point to create a special space to display my growing collection, and getting them out, has renewed my spirit for the hobby. At any rate, here are current pictures of my current collection.
The middle row are all special dispensers that were given away at games, or as special giveaways for the various sports teams. Otherwise, the college footballs, and Nascar dispensers were produced by PEZ, and were sold in stores. Of special note, the Charlie Brown, in the stand off to the right (with the Joe Cool Snoopy) was the first sports giveaway (that I know of), and was given away at a Cubs game. I made a special trip to attend the game, and get the dispenser.
Japanese, Animation Movies, and Girl Focused (Fairies, Bratz, Hello Kitty, etc)
My absolute favorite in this set are the Gunham dispensers (middle row all the way on the right) - these are a limited edition (12,000 made), and are so cool.
Disney, Garfield, Thomas The Tank, Simpsons, Bugz, Mr. Bean
These are the real good ones in my collection. They are all pretty old, and really the true treasures. Some of my all time favorites are the Softhead Eerie Spectres (second row from the front, towards the left), and the die cut dispensers on the far right.
Promotional PEZ
Up until the last few years, PEZ didn't release dispensers with likenesses of real people. But in the past 10 years, they changed their policies, and began to release all sorts of dispensers to promote real people. Honestly, these are some of my least favorite dispensers (especially the SS Enterprise (far top right), which is think is probably the ugliest dispenser in my whole collection. But of course, I must have all the dispensers that are out, so these are included in my collection also.
Warner Brothers, Peanuts, Muppets, TMNT, Winnie The Pooh
Pixar, Smurfs, Heros, Sponge Bob
Seasonal (Halloween, XMAS), and non-commercial dispensers (Sourz, animals, etc)
Vintage Trucks
These are mostly vintage trucks. These are the A,B,C and CR series, and the wheels move on them. This picture also includes the Johnny Lightning series of die cast cars that were made with PEZ designs on the side.
Modern Trucks and Rigs
These are mostly current era trucks (with the exception of the ones with black bodies, and neon accents, which were limited editions).